I built something cool in ruby The Gypsy Corner.

What is it?

This is a web application written with the Ruby on Rails framework deployed with Heroku and uses a AWS data bucket for photo storage.


I created this webpage for my sister’s business. It’s a web application that hosts her blog, and a portfolio for her to showcase other local artists. This is the first freelance project I have built from the ground up myself.


So what happened was we were sitting around the table through ideas around, and came up with the platform. I ran to get my mac and started mocking things up in Sketch3 (an amazing app for designing interfaces). After a few days designing and redesigning, I started building it as a rails application. It started from the blog got the posts up and working then added some user authentication and finally the portfolio off the ground associating different works within each of the portfolios.

All in all this was a rather fun application to develop, I have my sister to thank for the idea.
